Cambodia Tourist Destinations and Attractions

1. Tuol Sleng S-21 Museum

There are many historic place of the Khmer Rouge regime, but maybe Tuol Sleng and Choeung Ek are the most popular. This is where thousands of cambodian people dying by the Cambodian Khmer Rouge forces led regime of Pol Pot.

Tuol Sleng Security Office or the S-21 is a secret prison built by Khmer Rouge. This prison is a realization of the cruelty of Pol Pot to commit genocide against his own people. The prisoners consisted of younger infants to the elderly. They were subjected to torture and other atrocities that could not be imagined by civilized human beings.

Here also the Khmer Rouge imprisoned scholars and government officials. They were tortured and interrogated, before being executed at Choeung Ek killing fields.

The world knows this place as a genocide museum. A high school building Chao Yat Ponhea are used by the Khmer Rouge regime to detain, interrogate, and torture the local people that  contrary to their ideology during 1975-1979. More than 14,000 people have died after being detained and tortured in the former school building known as the prison S-21 or Tuol Sleng.

To reach the museum, you can take a local vehicle transportation called tuk-tuk. If you stay in the center of Phnom Penh, the cost of tuk-tuk to Tuol Sleng is about $ 3.

2. Choeung Ek Killing Fields

The second place that also has a historical memories is Choeung Ek. The distance is about 17 km from Phnom Penh. The place is a little scary, because this is where thousands of innocent Cambodians were tortured and killed.

Choeung Ek is where the Khmer Rouge slaughtering people who are considered contrary to their ideology. In 1975-1978. This field is a place for torture and massacre of 17,000 people, regardless of age and gender, even the toddler was killed.

Choeung Ek is currently owned by Japanese citizens who pack this place in such a way for tourist spot and make money, while the Cambodian people themselves troubled by the horrific tragedy exploited and sold to public.

There are two main buildings in this place, which one is the museum containing photographs and a gallery. It is said that the Khmer Rouge regime killed their prisoners did not use a gun to save bullets.

The most important buildings at Choeung Ek is a stupa or pagoda as monument to honor all the victims. Inside the stupa is also on display about 8,000 victim skulls.

3. Tonle Sap (Big Lake)

This place is the largest freshwater lake in Southeast Asia and is considered an important ecological places in Cambodia. This lake will tide in the monsoon season and low tide in the dry season. The lake is set to biosphere reserve by UNESCO since 1977.

Tonle Sap is also home for some floating villages that can be visited by boat. The lake is also a source of livelihood and the livelihood surrounding population. Here many children found rowing boat from home to school. There are also some floating shops which sell a variety of goods and services. Some small boat down to the houses, and selling vegetables and other foodstuffs.

4. Angkor Wat Temple

Angkor Wat is a tourist attraction located in the National Archaeological Park in Cambodia. Angkor Wat is the artifact that marks the development of Cambodian civilization. Angkor Wat was built by the Khmer Empire as a symbol of power in the capital of Angkor kingdom.

This temple was built by King Suryavarman II in the mid-12th century. This temple was built for 30 years. Angkor Wat is located in the plain of Angkor, which was also filled with beautiful temple building, but Angkor Wat is the most famous temples in the Angkor plain.

King Suryavarman II ordered the construction of Angkor Wat according to Hindu beliefs which put the mountain Meru as the center of the world and is home for Hindu deities, with a central tower that is the tallest tower of Angkor Wat and is the main tower building of Angkor Wat.

Angkor Wat is well maintained, has the most intricate designs and the most awesome in Indochina, a crown jewel in the vast Angkor empire. Like most Hindu temples in Asia, Angkor Wat look more beautiful at sunrise or before sunset, when the sky is filled with colors that highlight the five towers.

But, do you know, Angkor Wat was actually lost and forgotten. This temple was much visited by tourists after it was discovered by Henri Mouhot, a French biologist.

5. Preah Vihear Temple

Located in the Dangrek Range separating Thailand and Cambodia. Hindu Temple of Preah Vihear was built between 9th and 12th century by King Suryavarman I and King Suryavarman II. Preah Vihear is a Khmer temple which is located on 525 m high plateau in Dangrek mountains, Preah Vihear, Cambodia and is bordered by Sisaket in northeastern Thailand.

Preah Vihear is different from other Khmer temples, because the temple set extends from the northern tip to the south. Whereas other temples are usually rectangular and facing to east.

Today the temple is a thorny issue in diplomatic relations between Cambodia and Thailand. Minor conflicts occur frequently, as both countries claim ownership of this temple. However, on July 7, 2008, UNESCO approved Cambodia's application to enter this place as one of the world heritage site.

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